The World Health Organization has concluded that another of the current drugs being recommended for COVID19 does not show any efficacy and therefore should not be included in treatment protocols. According to the Solidarity Study by the WHO, Remdesiver, the drug made by Gilead is not effective, but the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) gave emergency authorization for its use in May, and the European Commission in August, while waiting further evidence. Despite this conclusion from the WHO, the FDA and other countries continue to recommend its use.
Meanwhile the use of Hydroxychloroquine used across most of Europe, is banned in the US and currently patients with a COVID19 diagnosis are kept at home without any treatment, until they improve by themselves or get worse and require expensive hospitalisation. Especially strange since all the evidence shows that using HCQ early in the infection can positively affect outcomes.
From the beginning questions were raised at the speed with which Remdesivir was given emergency authorization by the FDA. Remdesivir was first created for use in the Ebola epidemic and then morphed into a possible treatment for COVID19. The Solidarity trial was looking at a number of possible therapies for COVID19, including the now infamous hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). During the Solidarity trial, HCQ research was cancelled on the basis of its adverse effect on the heart. Both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published damning articles about its danger – that were later retracted under scrutiny.
On further investigation, it was found that the Solaridity trial had used very high, even lethal, doses in the trial, an issue that was already well known by clinicians who were using HCQ successfully in low doses. This led to accusations that the Solidarity Trial and the similar Recovery Trial, funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government, deliberately used toxic doses to discredit the use of HCQ. HCQ has been used successfully for more than 60 years, its safety record in low doses is well known, and the effectiveness of the HCQ and Zinc protocol has been used to save lives across Europe.
Gilead is the largest drug company donor to the World Health Organization and Donald Rumsfeld , the former Secretary of Defense in George Bush’s administration, was on the Board of Directors when Gilead was making a lot of money from Tamiflu, a dubious treatment for bird flu, before selling it to the Swiss drug Company Roche. Gilead’s reputation for maximising its profit with expensive drugs has been well known for a while.
It is worth mentioning that HCQ costs around $60 a treatment, while Remdesivir costs in excess of $3,000, for a less effective treatment. Drug companies capitalising on situations like COVID19 is nothing new, but perhaps the fact that despite the protestations of those making policy, there is a cheap, safe and effective pharmaceutical treatment available. The fact that it is not being persued and in the US is being actively banned, means that people are dying unnecessarily, millions are losing their livelihoods and whole economies have already been devastated. That is not a consiracy theory, that is fact. The public are being deprived of an evidence based solution at a time when they need it most.
In a recent hearing in the US Senate, Dr. Peter McCullough, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, called out harmful, fraudulent scare tactics perpetuated in academic medicine (including The Lancet and The NEJM) used against early outpatient treatment options of Covid patients, like HCQ.