Dominic Cummings, No. 10’s top advisor, member of the SAGE (Science Advisory Group in Emergencies) committee, (though not a scientist), pushed for lockdown at the March 23rd meeting of SAGE. (See the post UK Govt: “Guided by Science” What Science? for more info.)
The Guardian and The Mirror jointly exposed the story. He drove with his wife and son 250 miles to his elderly parents’ home in Durham, so they “could have support looking after their son”. His wife was already suffering from COVID19 symptoms before they left London and Cummings himself became very sick shortly after they got to Durham. The Durham police confirm he was there and they had reminded him of the rules. His wife wrote an article in The Spectator describing their experience with COVID19, but suggested that they were in London at the time.
Calls for Cumming’s resignation are being met with stonewalling from the government and his press confernce to ‘explain himself’ only dug him in deeper and went frrom the sublime to the ridiculous. But joking aside this is serious.
So Neil Ferguson, whose predictions triggered the global lockdown breaks the rules to meet his lover, whose husband was already suffering COVID symptoms. Cummings drives 250 miles with an infectious wife and falls ill himself while staying with his elderly parents (albeit apparently in another part of the property). Meanwhile single parents with COVID are struggling to cope at home, parents of dying children are not allowed to visit them, friends of those with terminal illnesses are not allowed to be with them or attend their funerals, parents of disabled children are having to manage without support, even when they are sick, millions will have lost their jobs because they are not allowed to work.
Will Cummins resign? He and No. 10 say “absolutely not.” Piers Morgan has said if Cummings doesn’t resign or get pushed he will assume the lockdown rules have changed and go to visit his own parents who he hasn’t seen for 3 months.