UK Track and Trace not ready till September

June 5th, 2020

Despite the promise that the UK’s Track and Trace would be in place by June 1st, it seems it won’t be fully functional until September or October. The app is not working as it should, tens of thousands of contact tracers have spent days logged into zoom training sessions which have never taken place and the initial Isle of Wight trial involved a serious data breach.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have said that in order to prevent a ‘second wave’, easing the lockdown was dependent on track and tracing being in place. The fact that it might not be ready until September has serious implications. Do the government expect the population to continue under Level 4 for another three or four months? Apart from this being disastrous for the economy, jobs, education, mental health and every other measure you care to use for the health of the nation, it makes no sense as far as COVID19 is concerned.

Let’s not forget the significant amount of tax payers money going into the Track and Trace programme, is moving into private pockets.

And the biggest concern, voiced by the companies racing to create and produce a safe and effective COVID19 vaccine, is the evidence that the virus is leaving and will be gone before the vaccine is ready in September. As early as May 14th it was reported that “the Oxford University vaccine trial is heading into hospitals amid fears that Covid-19 is not prevalent enough in wider society.”

Let’s just think about that for a moment.